Aleef, the trees terror

Aleef, the trees terror is a melee attack damage caster, most commonly played as a ward. He exceeds at feeding and making other champions fed. His passive ability is "ultimate feeder": Whenever Aleef kills an enemy minion/neutral monster/champion. he automatically gives every champion on the opposite team gold based on who he kills. His Q ability is "Feed the Weak": He teleports to any enemy on the map with a negative score and gives them a bloodthirster, trinity force, or rabadons, based on the enemies choice. Aleefs W ability is "Team suicide": Every ally within 2500 units is instantly killed and any shutdown gold is given to the enemy support. The tree terrors E ability is "Bad play":Passive-Minions auto focus Aleef and critical strike him every basic attack. Active- He buffs all monsters to have equal stats to Baron Nashor, regardless of where they are. Aleefs R ability is "Suicide":Passive-All champions on the same map as Aleef gain 500 gold every minute. Active- He instantly dies and gives every champion on the opposite team a penta kill, with additional gold for every minute that has passed.

A genetically handicapped child born during the leaftopia civil war, Aleef was always different from his peers. When he was little his parents disowned him because there was too much effort going into keeping him alive- feeding him, changing his diapers, giving him showers and numerous other basic stuff. All alone in this world, Aleef wandered into Earth, when a fruit called the cherry fell on his head, seething with rage, he vowed to stalk anyone with this name for the rest of their life. Upon finding a girl named Cherry in Mt Roskill Intermediate, he followed her into Mt Roskill Grammar, where he lived in the macleans centre. He was arrested for stalking and attempted kidnapping, with his room covered in her timetables, photos and his opening browser linked to her facebook profile. After being let out of jail when they realised he was just a handicap leaf, he left to the league of legends in order to finally reach his victim and finish the job.